
EA Navigation - Beta


These pages has been constructed to elaborate new ways of navigating Enterprise Architecture documentation. Content is not complete and use of these pages is only to gain experience and get new ideas of how to make information easily accessible.

Try to click the sides and sections of the Cube and note how information changes in the "facts panel".

All content is client-side-only in this version. This means that all content should be accessible right off any local storage. In future release you will be able to download EA Navigation from CIO Office to adapt it to your needs.

Only Safari and Chrome support

These pages make heavy use of the new HTML5 avd CSS3 standards and also the Webkit redering engine built into these browsers to accomplish some 3d rendering.

Testing Testing if your browser is supported...

Your browser is OK!

Warning Your browser does not support the Webkit rendering engine.
These pages will not work in this browser!

Warning Your browser does not support 3d rendering.
Even though you have a Webkit-browser (Chrome or Safari) your hardware may limit required 3d rendering (you are sitting on an old machine!).
If you run Chrome on a Windows machine, try to add following parameter to the Chrome start command on your PC:
C:\Users\[you]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe --ignore-gpu-blacklist

Do that by right-clicking Chrome on your start-menu. Choose Properties and add the parameter at the end of the "Target" field.
This parameter will allow Chrome to try using the graphics card on your PC, even though it is not supposed to work. It may work for you.

External libraries used

To simplify Javascript coding, the well known JQuery library has been used. Read more on the JQuery site.

To create the more standard parts of the user interface a new library, Cascade Framwork, has been used. It is fairly lightweight and provide fine support for Responsive Design - to simplify use of pages from devices with different form factors. Read more about Cascade Framework here.

Finally Spectrum Color picker, a JQuery plug-in, has been used to simplify color selection of elements in the 3D Playground. Read more about Spectrum Color picker here.

Try the 3D Playground

Perhaps it is most for fun, but on the 3d Playground you can twist, rotate, and explode the PNTA Cube in 3D. It's fun !
It might be useful also if you need images of the cube from different angles. Just rotate and adjust it into position and make a screen copy (Alt-PrtScr) and paste it into Photoshop for further enhancements!


I understand. Please close this disclaimer!
Just joking!

EA Navigation

EA Documentation Navigator


Enterprise Architecture


Enterprise Architecture

Business Area

Business Area
Develop Product Selling Manufacturing Business coordination Administration
Business Information Technology
Develop Product Selling Manufacturing Business coordination Administration
Business Information Technology
Consumer Solutions InNova Corporate
Consumer Solutions InNova Corporate